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Rich Entitled Woman Pepper Sprays Heart Attack Victim and Paramedics

Guy Collapses Due to Heart Problems

Guy Collapses Due to Heart Problems

So, let's say you’re walking down the street, and a guy collapses.

Upon further inspection, you see that he has one of those heart alert bracelets on his wrist. What do you do?

Naturally, you call 911. It’s the only thing you really can do at that point.

That’s exactly what happened to this Redditor. We'll call him a hero, considering what he did to help everyone. 

The paramedics do their thing and arrive within minutes.

Talk about amazing timing. Gotta hand it to our emergency medical techs!


Along with them, the fire department comes quickly in tow.

Anyone who has called 911 knows that you can’t have one without the other!

They arrive in a four-door pick-up and jump out to start taking care of the collapsed guy.

Being that he was having heart distress, they had to act quickly. With something like this, minutes could be the difference between life and death

Immediately, he’s hooked up to all these blood pressure cuffs, heart monitors – the works.

They had to get his vitals to know the next step. Was he having a heart attack or was it something else?

Then, here comes a woman strutting up with a face so red she might also drop from a heart attack.

We're going to call this woman the villain. She shouldn't be deemed anything else. 

The Karen starts screaming that the truck cut her off at the intersection.

Of course! Karens can't let anything go...even if it's EMTs.

Mind you, the truck still has lights and sirens, so…not sure why she’s upset.

Getting out of the way is normal for anyone with common sense. 

We wish we could say she helps, but that's not how Karens work. 

Yelling is one thing, but it gets even better.


Enter the Entitled Karen

Enter the Entitled Karen

The Karen demands that the paramedic looks at her while she has a five-year-old meltdown.

It isn’t like the emergency medical tech is doing anything important, right?


Who cares about the guy who’s literally dying from a heart attack!

I really, really hope you sense the sarcasm. There are more important things at hand.

Instead of giving this lady the light of day, the EMTs continue CPR and the life-saving things you gotta do. 

However, there was one issue: one of the EMTs had to grab something in their truck

This is when things go from bad to awful. 

When he goes to fetch it, the angry grown-up toddler steps in his way. 

She starts blocking him from getting to the truck while yelling. 

The moment he tries to step around her, the tide turned. 

Karen whips out pepper spray and goes right at his face.

We say again: right in the face of the emergency medical technician. 

How dare he not give her his complete attention instead of helping a dying guy?!

As if that wasn’t enough, she starts pepper-spraying everyone in the general vicinity.

It didn't matter who they were, but the EMTs got the brunt of it. 

The first paramedic that got up was sprayed down as was the second EMT. 

Just for good measure, the Karen also sprayed guy having a heart attack on the ground!

Let's reiterate: this Karen decided it would be perfectly acceptable to pepper spray someone having a heart attack!

Something had to be done. 


The Police Arrive

The Police Arrive

A passerby watching the whole thing quickly stepped up to the plate

This "passerby" is the heroic Redditor telling the story.


He snatched the pepper spray from her hands to prevent further damage to anyone involved. 

Karen had no right to hold such a dangerous weapon, so he kindly removed it from her hands by any means necessary.

Thankfully, he also held onto her until the police arrived. That didn't take long after the commotion started. 

There’s no telling what she’d do next, so he had to keep her childishness contained. 

The paramedics now have their work cut out for them, giving CPR and washing out each other’s eyes.

Hopefully, the heart attack victim would make it! 

The police finally arrive, and Karen doesn’t act any better.

In fact, she begins to double down on her bad behavior. You know, as toddlers do. 

When the police attempt to handcuff her, she bites and kicks them.

Why not add resisting arrest to the assault charge she's already won?

The thing about the police is that they don't play around. 

This results in her swiftly getting hog-tied with her shirt pulled over her face to prevent any more damage.

That’s when she starts screaming “Rape!” like that would help her.

Spoiler alert: no one helps her.

In fact, it's turned into a full-on show at this point. 

Our hero steps aside and lets the professionals do their job. 


Prison Time and Then Some

Prison Time and Then Some

At that point, she pulls the whole “don’t you know who I am?!” schtick.

It didn’t stop her from getting massively charged with everything in the book. 


Karen was charged with two counts of aggravated assault with a weapon on paramedics and two counts of assault on a police officer.

On top of that, she also got one count of aggravated assault with a weapon on the heart attack victim, and finally, resisting arrest.

The good part of the story is that the heart attack victim survived!

We know you were worried, but the guy was alright for the most part. 

The victim that collapsed must have really felt like crap when he came to though. 

Could you imagine dealing with heart distress and waking up to find out you were pepper sprayed? 

After he learned about everything, he decided to sue Karen for $10 million (which she apparently has).

Lord, she would be a rich woman, wouldn’t she?

As far as her assault charges, the entire thing was captured on two security cameras and who knows how many smartphones.

No matter how hard she tries, she won’t get out of this one. No attorney can help this lost cause.

After all is said and done, the Karen won't get off scot-free. So far, everyone is against her.

When you stack everything up, she faces a possible 65 years in prison time.

We haven’t even brought up the funny part: Her husband is a bank vice president who refused to post her bail.

It took her family 13 days to bail her out. He might seek a divorce after this...